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My Favorite Conservative
Getting the Project 2025 Discussion Started
Bypassing the Liberal White Women issue (gulp!) and heading straight into Project 2025 -- on the minds of most Democrats I know. Edward presented a list of objectives that need to be met in setting up any new administration, but, as your father expressed, some of we "D's" have concerns about the presumptive new president's criteria for selecting those who will fill the shoes of many who will be given a pink slip. Perhaps Edward can dive deeper into Trump's plans for a sweeping expansion of presidential power. Of course my Sig. Other (a R) doesn't think we have anything to be concerned about -- it's policy alone that matters. Thanks so much for getting the discussion started in today's episode! Let's keep it going!! - Joanne (aka "Molly")
You need this podcast in your life
It is a burst of fresh air to hear two people having a political conversation without hyperbolic accusations and, doing it with a sense of humor, too. I recently discovered this podcast. Without a doubt, this is now one of my favorite few podcast. Only thing that can improve this show is to extend its length. 30 minutes is just a cruel tease :) I can listen to Andrea and Edward for hours.
If you’d like to listen to a fun political discussion, check out My Favorite Conservative. It is a light hearted, engaging, and informative back and forth between the hosts.